Women’s Association Membership

The Women’s Association of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Society (WANISS) provides opportunities to participate in major fundraising projects for the Symphony, as well as assist the Symphony in their music education events and endeavors.

A variety of events have evolved throughout the years including:

  • May Wine Brunch

  • Festival of Trees

  • Seasonal Children’s events

  • Musical salons and other events featuring Symphony musicians

To become a member call the Symphony office at 219/836-0525 x206.

  • Membership is open to all interested women. There are approximately 100 members representing Northwest Indiana and the surrounding areas.

    Yearly membership dues are $40 per person paid by June 1 for inclusion in the following fiscal year's (July 1 –June 30) membership directory.

    Members should have a willingness to volunteer and are encouraged to purchase Symphony season tickets.

    Membership can include:

    • Event planning by being on committees, decorating, being a hostess, or office help.

    • Distributing Symphony marketing materials

    • Ushering at concerts

    • Assisting with Symphony Education events

    • Some members just attend concerts and spread the word about our great orchestra. We are happy for that too!

    Each dues-paying member has one vote at membership meetings. There’s a general membership meeting in June each year to present an annual report of activities and elect officers for the coming year.

    To become a member call the Symphony at 219/836-0525 x206 or complete the form below.

  • Organized in Gary in 1962, the Women's Association launched the organization with receptions after concerts, fashion shows, and meetings with musical programs. Activities to benefit the orchestra financially were developed and, in 1975, they became the Women's Association of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Society (WANISS).

    WANISS is an affiliate of the Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras

  • The Edith Root Youth Scholarship is offered to Northwest Indiana Symphony Youth Orchestra members and is one of the special donations from WANISS.

    Edith Root was instrumental in developing the Youth Orchestra and, in her honor and memory, this scholarship was developed through donations.

    Every year at the Youth Orchestra spring concert, several students are presented with a scholarship to go to a summer music camp of their choosing. All Youth Orchestra members are eligible to apply and a committee from WANISS makes a selection(s). The number of scholarships given varies from year-to-year depending on the amount of money in the scholarship fund.

Women’s Association Board of Directors

Tresa Radermacher, President
Anna Rominger, Vice President Administration
Kathy Fesenmyer and Anne-Marie Kuczora,
Vice Presidents Membership
Lisa Tyree, Vice President Marketing
Belinda Potoma, Vice President Development
Sue Arnold, Vice President Education
Marie Russo, Recording Secretary
Linda Bartochowski, Corresponding Secretary
Charlene Tsoutsouris, Treasurer
Linda Eisenhauer, Parliamentarian
Marti Ross, Immediate Past President

Sandy Becker
Leona Bonich
Kay Depel
Renee Giragos
Anita Griffin
Corinne Keleher
Constance Neal
Jill Ratajack-Hayhurst
Mary Ellen Ryan
Christine Small
Mary K. Stark
Babs Zandstra

UPCOMING EVENTS - call 219 / 836.0525 x 206

May Wine Brunch - May 7, 2025

Festival of Trees - December 3, 2025

“We’re fortunate to have a top notch Symphony in our area. Our director is a role model in encouraging young musicians to give their all to make the most of their abilities. Even if you are not able to help with activities, your membership fee will help support the musicians.”

—Kathy Fesenmyer, Vice-President of Membership
Women’s Association of Northwest Indiana Symphony Society