Contact Us
The Symphony offices are located downstairs in the Center for Visual and Performing Arts in Munster.
1040 Ridge Road
Munster, Indiana 46321
(219) 836-0525
(219) 836-0690 fax
David Mika
Executive Director
219-836-1839, ext. 102
Interested in supporting the Symphony’s music and education programs through a personal or corporate tax-deductible contribution? Would you like to reach over 5500 concert attendees by purchasing ad space in our season program book?
Please contact:
Sandie Phalen
Director of Development & Marketing
219-836-1839, ext. 101
Are you interested in hiring the orchestra or musicians for an event? Are you interested in auditioning for the orchestra? Please contact:
Karen L. Dickelman
Orchestra Manager
219-836-0525 x205
Are you interested in purchasing tickets for upcoming Symphony events including concerts and our Gala? Are you interested in volunteering with the Symphony? Please contact:
Tammie Miller
Box Office Manager & Marketing Coordinator
219-836-0525, ext. 203
Are you interested in joining the Youth Orchestra or do you have more questions about the Youth Orchestra? Please contact:
Marilyn Stuckert
Youth Orchestra Manager
219-836-0525 ext. 201
Are you interested in joining the Symphony Chorus or do you have more questions about the Symphony Chorus? Please contact:
Thomas McNichols
Symphony Chorus Director
219-836-0525 ext. 208
Kirk Muspratt
Music Director/Conductor
219-836-0525 ext. 204
Ben Nadel
Youth Orchestra Conductor
219-836-0525 ext. 204
Sara VanLaningham
Symphony Librarian
219-836-0525 ext. 207
Kim Radu
Production Manager
Donna Krumm
219-836-0525, ext. 202